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How to revise for the 2025 PE and Sport exams with The EverLearner team

Dear PE colleagues, 

I hope that, by now, you have already seen that the 2025 PE exam preparation and revision materials are live. In case you haven’t, I urge you to access your exam infographics and hot topics from here:

These resources are simply the first of a series of provisions that my team and I are putting in place in 2025. 


I’m going to reintroduce you to each of the resources and then try to guide you as to how to best use these resources for impact in 2025.


Resource 1: Exam Infographics




Availability Customers, non-customers
When January 2025
Primary audience Students

The exam infographics are based on robust analysis of all previous exam papers for a particular assessment. They summarise the most important data about your exam. Remember, these resources are primarily written for student use, so we urge you to get these into the hands of your learners asap. 

We ensure that both content and skills are analysed on every exam infographic, so this is an ideal opportunity for you to discuss the format and requirements of your exam with your class. 


Resource 2: Hot Topics




Availability Customers ONLY
When January 2025
Primary audience Students

The EverLearner Hot Topics is a 10-item guide to the topics that we believe your students must OVERLEARN in preparation for their assessment. These Hot Topics are based on robust analysis of exam content areas and trends within papers.

Once again, these resources are targeted towards students and we urge teachers to get the resources to the zone of impact (the kids!) as soon as possible. Furthermore, I strongly recommend that the Hot Topics are a source of discussion with your students. Read the statements with the students and ensure that they understand what OVERLEARNING is. Remember, I am suggesting that students should OVERLEARN these topics, not simply to revise these ones and nothing else. That would be very poor preparation. 

I have personally overseen every single selection of a Hot Topic and have also written the guiding statements for every single one. 

It is also worth noting that the Hot Topics feature very significantly on resource 3, which is the National Mock Exam Paper.


Resource 3: National Mock Exam Paper



Availability Customers, non-customers
When Early February 2025
Primary audience Students

My team and I have written National Mock Exams for your assessments and we urge you to practise these papers with your students. The papers are available to all and can be downloaded, assigned via and answered and marked either online or on paper.

You have utter flexibility. Furthermore, the papers are robustly based on our exam analysis and, in terms of structure and style, at the very least, sit very closely to the real, external exams in 2025. 

Secondly, the NMEs contain all the Hot Topics that we have identified and honour the exam formats documented in the infographics. These are the real thing!

Finally, we urge teachers not to think of our NMEs as predicted papers. I do not predict papers ever. However, there is literally no better preparation that your students can do than to study the NMEs, answer them and mark them. Whether you do this formally as an assessment or more casually is entirely up to you. 


Resource 4: National Mock Exam Mark Scheme




Availability Customers, non-customers
When Early February 2025
Primary audience Teacher

The mark schemes for the NME are available to all. Just like with the papers, they can be used either digitally or in analogue. 

Please, please, please ensure that your students’ writing on the NME is marked. Moreover, once their answers are marked, we urge teachers to:

  • go over the marking and feedback with their groups;
  • cause the students to overlearn the mark schemes.

Now, you might find that second bullet point a little direct. It is meant to be. Students need to learn the mark schemes to the NME. It might not be pretty, it might not be right good (film reference if anyone can spot it), but it will be impacting. 


Resource 5: Live (and on-demand) Revision Shows




Availability Customers only
When April-June 2025
Primary audience Students

The live shows are going to fully detail all 10 Hot Topics, how they were asked, how they should have been answered in the NME and the types of questions that could be likely for that topic. 

The shows aim to bring the exam preparation full circle and to ensure that the students –no matter how well they did on the NME– have reviewed their writing and know how to write perfectly should the topic appear in their actual exam. 

I want to be clear about something here: these are revision and exam-prep shows. I will not be teaching the topics from scratch. Rather, I will be showing the students how to achieve marks for those topics.

The show can be taken live or on-demand as a recorded video once the show has been broadcast.

Teachers can also encourage students to take the show more than once. Also, remember that the live show (or recording) can be paused, dragged back and watched again. Flexibility is the key here and, if I were you, covering those shows live and then as a recording would be the majority experience for my final few lessons with my groups. 

IMPORTANT: Please note that we will be publishing free to all via YouTube an edited version of the live show covering approximately 3/10 of the hot topics. I hope that non-customers will understand that I have to offer specific value to my paying customers and that this is an example of that.

Why not join us as a customer now if you are not already? You will never regret it once you do. Sign up here!!


Resource 6: Revision Show Student Notes Pages




Availability Customers only
When March-April 2025
Primary audience Students

Your students will complete the revision show with a bespoke set of notes that have been designed by my team and I. The notes will cover all 10 Hot Topics and will include the main learning points for each topic and then a series of exercises that I will demonstrate on screen. 

Once again, students can take the revision show and complete the notes all in one go or repeat it as many times as they need to.

IMPORTANT: We will release a sample set of notes pages for non-customers that cover the free-to-view content we will release on YouTube. Once again, please consider joining community to get all these materials included in your subscription. 


Resource 7: Revision Show Teacher Notes Pages


Availability Customers only
When March-April 2025
Primary audience Teacher

Teachers, rest assured we aren’t just going to throw empty notes pages out to your students. You will have the master copy of the answers in advance of the live show, meaning that you can support your students and ensure that they are coming up with the correct solutions. The difference between students’ and teachers’ notes will be that the activities are already completed for teachers, so that you can facilitate and support great learning with confidence.

IMPORTANT: Unfortunately, we will not be releasing any teacher notes to non-customers. This is a specific customer benefit, so, please become a member of!



So, there you have it… A comprehensive revision experience and one I truly hope benefits you and your students.

Thank you for reading and here’s to a great revision experience in 2025!

Have a lovely day.


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