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The blog for PE teachers: The Changing Rooms

A blog dedicated to the teaching of PE, covering all key elements of physical education teaching, including GCSE PE, A-Level PE and BTEC Sport.

    Fluid mechanics: Teaching the Magnus force

    This week, I am going to complete my writing from last week, where I tried to give clarity about...

    Fluid mechanics: Teaching the Bernoulli principle

    If you are a secondary school or college PE teacher, there’s a pretty good chance that the concept...

    Can A-level PE lead to a degree in medicine? Part 3

    Dear readers, 

    Two of my most popular blog posts ever were "Can A-Level PE Lead to a Degree in...

    Teaching the Principles of Training. It's Time to Get This Right! Part 1/2

    Specificity! Progression! Overload! Reversibility! FITT!

    This is the hitting zone for PE teachers...

    A guide to results day: Teachers

    Editor's note: This post was originally released in August 2023 and has been updated to make it...

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