OCR Linear GCE PE Sociocultural Studies
Physical Education
Level 3
2 chapters
33 Lessons
4 Free lessons
Exam board-specific online course, featuring fast-paced tutorials taught by James, practice and test mode quizzing and checkpoint assessments preparing you for your Paper 03 exam. We recommend that you study the other three OCR Linear GCE PE courses and The Roadmap course along with this one. Click to find out more.
Sport and Society
Emergence and Evolution of Modern Sport
Lesson (1/0) 1
Sport in Pre-industrial Britain
Lesson (2/0) 2
Sport in Post-1850 Industrial Britain
Lesson (3/0) 3
Influence of the Public Schools
Lesson (4/0) 4
Sport in 20th Century Britain
Lesson (5/0) 5
Sport in 21st Century Britain
The Olympic Games
Global Sporting Events
Contemporary Issues in Sport and Physical Activity
Ethics and Deviance
Lesson (1/0) 1
Performance Enhancing Drugs
Lesson (2/0) 2
Reasons For and Against Drugs
Lesson (3/0) 3
Lesson (4/0) 4
Preventing Violence
Lesson (5/0) 5
Gambling in Sport
Commercialisation and Media
Routes to Sporting Excellence in the UK
Modern Technology in Sport