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AQA Linear GCE PE Psychological Factors

Physical Education
Level 3
4 chapters
60 Lessons
3 Free lessons

Exam board-specific online course, featuring fast-paced tutorials taught by James, practice and test mode quizzing and checkpoint assessments preparing you for your Section B assessment. We recommend that you study the other three AQA Linear GCE PE courses and The Roadmap course along with this one. Click to find out more.

Skill, Continua and Transfer
Lesson (1/0) 1
Characteristics of Skill
Lesson (2/0) 2
Muscular Involvement Continuum
Lesson (3/0) 3
Environmental Continuum
Lesson (4/0) 4
Pacing Continuum
Lesson (5/0) 5
Continuity Continuum
Lesson (6/0) 6
Complexity Continuum
Lesson (7/0) 7
Organisational Continuum
Lesson (8/0) 8
Transfer of Skill
Lesson (1/0) 1
Methods of Presenting Practice
Lesson (2/0) 2
Types of Practice
Lesson (1/0) 1
Stages of Learning
Lesson (2/0) 2
Learning Plateaus
Lesson (3/0) 3
Cognitive Learning
Lesson (4/0) 4
Operant Conditioning
Lesson (5/0) 5
Observational Learning
Lesson (6/0) 6
Guidance and Feedback
Lesson (1/0) 1
Lesson (2/0) 2
Memory and Information Processing
Lesson (1/0) 1
Lesson (2/0) 2
Baddeley and Hitch Working Memory Model
Information Processing
Lesson (1/0) 1
Whiting's Model
Lesson (2/0) 2
Information Processing
Lesson (3/0) 3
Strategies to Improve Information Processing
Reaction Time
Lesson (1/0) 1
Reaction Time
Lesson (2/0) 2
Anticipation and PRP
Lesson (3/0) 3
Strategies to Improve Response Time
Schema Theory
Lesson (1/0) 1
Schema Theory
Sports Psychology 1
Lesson (1/0) 1
Personality 1
Lesson (2/0) 2
Personality 2
Lesson (1/0) 1
Attitude Formation
Lesson (2/0) 2
Triadic Model of Attitudes
Arousal and Anxiety
Lesson (1/0) 1
Arousal Theories 1
Lesson (2/0) 2
Arousal Theories 2
Lesson (3/0) 3
Lesson (4/0) 4
State and Trait Anxiety
Lesson (1/0) 1
Lesson (2/0) 2
Eliminating Aggression
Lesson (1/0) 1
Lesson (2/0) 2
Achievement Motivation
Lesson (3/0) 3
NAch and NAF
Lesson (4/0) 4
Achievement Goal Theory
Sports Psychology 2
Social Facilitation
Lesson (1/0) 1
Drive Theory of Social Facilitation
Lesson (2/0) 2
Theories of Social Facilitation
Lesson (3/0) 3
Strategies to Combat Social Inhibition
Group Dynamics
Lesson (1/0) 1
Group Productivity
Lesson (2/0) 2
Strategies to Increase Group Cohesion
Goal Setting
Lesson (1/0) 1
Goal Setting
Lesson (1/0) 1
Attribution Theory
Lesson (2/0) 2
Attributional Retraining
Lesson (3/0) 3
Learned Helplessness
Self-efficacy and Confidence
Lesson (1/0) 1
Vealey's Model of Confidence
Lesson (2/0) 2
Bandura's Model of Self-efficacy
Lesson (1/0) 1
Leadership Styles
Lesson (2/0) 2
Leadership Theories
Lesson (3/0) 3
Chelladurai's Multi-dimensional Model
Stress Management
Lesson (1/0) 1
Stress and Stressors
Lesson (2/0) 2
Stress Management Techniques

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