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CIE AS CIE AS Sport and Physical Education (8386) Content Areas 1-4 Anatomy, Physiology and Biomechanics

Physical Education
Level 3
3 chapters
68 Lessons
1 Free lessons

Welcome to the studies of CIE AS PE and Sport (8386). This course covers all of the content and skills for content areas 1-4 including all anatomy and physiology units and biomechanics. Study this course in association with the other courses for content areas 5-8 and 9-12.

Joints, Movement and Muscles
Joints, Movement, Muscles and Movement Analysis
Lesson (1/0) 1
The Shoulder
Lesson (2/0) 2
The Elbow and Wrist
Lesson (3/0) 3
The Hip
Lesson (4/0) 4
The Knee and Ankle
Role of Muscles
Lesson (1/0) 1
Functions of Muscles
Lesson (2/0) 2
Types of Contraction
Lesson (3/0) 3
Muscle Fibre Types
Linear Motion
Lesson (1/0) 1
Types of Motion
Lesson (2/0) 2
Linear Motion
Lesson (3/0) 3
Vectors and Scalars
Lesson (4/0) 4
Distance Time Graphs
Lesson (5/0) 5
Velocity Time Graphs
Newton's Laws
Lesson (1/0) 1
Newton's Laws
Lesson (2/0) 2
Vertical Forces
Lesson (3/0) 3
Horizontal Forces
Angular Motion
Lesson (1/0) 1
Introduction to Angular Motion
Lesson (2/0) 2
Angular Momentum
Parabolic and Non-parabolic Flight
Lesson (1/0) 1
Factors Affecting Projectiles
Lesson (2/0) 2
Flight Paths
Properties of Bodies and Objects
Lesson (1/0) 1
Centre of Mass and Stability
The Cardiovascular and Respiratory Systems
The Cardiac System
Lesson (1/0) 1
Structure and Function of the Heart
Lesson (2/0) 2
Conduction System
Lesson (3/0) 3
Cardiac Cycle
Lesson (4/0) 4
Cardiac Values
Lesson (5/0) 5
Starling's Law
Lesson (6/0) 6
Regulation of Heart Rate
Lesson (7/0) 7
Factors Affecting Cardiac Output
The Vascular System
Lesson (1/0) 1
Venous Return
Lesson (2/0) 2
Redistribution of Cardiac Output and Vascular Control
The Respiratory system
Lesson (1/0) 1
Mechanics of Breathing
Lesson (2/0) 2
Lung Volumes
Lesson (3/0) 3
Regulation of Breathing
Lesson (4/0) 4
Respiratory Adaptations
Lesson (5/0) 5
Gaseous Exchange

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