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Vasomotor Control and Vascular Shunt
OCR Linear GCE PE Physiological Factors
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Skeletal and Muscular Systems
Joints and Movements
The Shoulder
The Elbow and Wrist
The Hip
The Knee and Ankle
Roles of Muscles
Roles of Muscle
Types of Contraction
Movement Patterns
Muscular Contraction
Motor Units
Action Potential and Neurotransmitters
Muscle Fibre Types
Cardiovascular and Respiratory Systems
Cardiac System at Rest and Exercise
Cardiac Volumes
Conduction System
Control of Heart Rate
Cardiac Cycle
Vascular System at Rest and Exercise
Vasomotor Control and Vascular Shunt
Venous Return
Respiratory System at Rest and Exercise
Lung Volumes
Gaseous Exchange
Oxygen Dissociation and Bohr Shift
Mechanics of Breathing and Respiratory Control
Energy for Exercise
ATP and Energy Systems
Energy Systems
ATP/PC System
ATP/PC System Analysis
Glycolytic System
Aerobic System
Energy Continuum
The Recovery Process
Recovery from Exercise
Environmental Efects on Body Systems
Exercise at Altitude
Altitude Training
Exercise in the Heat
Cardiovascular Drift
Exercise Physiology
Diet, Nutrition and Ergogenic Aids
Diet and Nutrition
Ergogenic Aids 1
Ergogenic Aids 2
Aerobic Training
Introduction to VO2max
Factors Affecting VO2max
Aerobic Fitness Tests
Aerobic Training
Aerobic Adaptations
Strength Training
Types of Strength
Factors Affecting Strength
Measuring Strength
Strength Training
Plyometrics Training
Strength Adaptations
Flexibility Training
Stretching and PNF
Flexibility Adaptations
Other Aspects of Training
Cardiovascular Health
Asthma and COPD
Injury and the Rehabilitation of Injury
Acute and Chronic Injuries
Acute Injuries
Chronic Injuries
Injury Prevention
Injury Prevention
Responding to Injuries
Responding to Injuries 1
Responding to Injuries 2
Injury Rehabilitation
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